Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Harvest Moon Tonight!


The September Harvest Moon is tonight. It is the closest full moon to the fall equinox. The reason it became known as the Harvest Moon is because it rises just after sunset for several days in a row, providing extra light for farmers to harvest their crops late into the evening. The trees around my house block my view, so I'll have to wait a couple more hours to see it. 

This time next week it will be officially fall! My favorite season and I love the fall colors and decor. I decorated my dining room in warm, fall colors and it stays that way year round. 

Peace and love,


Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Reviving My Blog Finally! #WellnessWednesday

 In the past, I always enjoyed having a blog that sorta served as a journal. I got away from that, especially with social media taking up so much of my spare time. I did like the early social media sites and the positive interaction. I don't find that true as there is so much negativity, anger, lies, and ugliness, especially in politics. I was thinking today that life is too short.

I looked back on some of old blog posts and they were a reminder of good times and things I did. It was something of a journal and I think it will be fun to do that again. I do plan to keep posting some of my memes on social media because I enjoy making them, but scrolling social media, no. 

This Wednesday was a quiet day for me. I met my good friend, Liz, for lunch at Cracker Barrel because I love the broccoli chicken parmesan special on Wednesday. Add fried apples and I'm happy!!! 

After lunch, I finally got my first shingles vaccine. I did have the original vaccine a few years ago because I didn't want to get shingles. It is extremely painful and when I was working in a medical clinic, we had patients on regular basis with it. There was no vaccine. I never forgot one patient, a man who was probably 60. He had shingles that started about his eye brow and spread over his eye and beneath his eyes. It has been years but I can still see him. We sent him to an ophthalmologist He eventually healed, but he was scarred from the virus. Most people have shingles in the waist and back area. 

Today, I took break from writing and writing relates stuff, other than backing up files. I'm so glad Not Through Loving You is finally finished and published. I was beginning to think I'd never get done with that book! 

I'm watching The Rings of Power on Prime and so far, I'm enjoying it. Of course, I've always been a Lord of the Rings fangirl. The production quality of Rings of Power is outstanding. The costumes, especially the elves, and the landscapes. Wow! 

It's been cool today. You know fall is coming!!! October is my favorite month. I'm looking forward to beauty of fall. 

Hugs y'all



Thursday, December 21, 2023

Delicious Chocolate Nut/Fruit Clusters #Recipe

Hi! I hope you're having a wonderful holiday week! If you're looking for a super easy chocolate treat to give as a gift or enjoy yourself, give this chocolate recipe a try. You can add whatever you like to the chocolate mix. I've used almonds, walnuts, pecans, raisins, dried blueberries, dried cherries and coconut. I do use mini-size muffin pan liners because this is pure chocolate and it melts in your hand. 

1 cup chocolate chips. I prefer dark chocolate. 

2 tablespoons coconut oil

Put in a glass microwave bowl.

Microwave for 20 seconds, stop and stir. Continue another 15-20 seconds. Stir to melt chocolate chips. They will continue to melt as you stir. If necessary, heat for another 10 seconds. Caution: Don't overheat and scorch the chocolate.

Add nuts or fruit if desired and stir.

 You can pour this into a rectangular pan or dish. Or use a muffin pan with liners. 

 Whichever way you choose, put the pan in the freezer for an hour or so until the chocolate is firm. If you use a dish for your chocolate, you can cut the chocolate into pieces. You need to store the chocolate in the refrigerator in a plastic container until you are ready to eat because the chocolate will soften quickly. Best to pop it in your mouth right away.🙂 Betcha you can't eat just one!

If you looking for a cute, quick holiday read, check out More Than a Gift.

Escape into a world where love is the true holiday magic! Will meeting the mall Santa change Holly’s future? Find out in More Than a Gift, a fun holiday romance novella.

Available at most retailers and book lenders: https://books2read.com/morethanagift

Friday, December 15, 2023

Darlene's New Cover Update and How to Fry Frog Legs! 😂🐸 #SnippetSunday #StockingStuffer #cookbook #recipes

Howdy folks! It's me, Darlene, and I'm here to wish you a happy holiday season and show off the updated cover of my cookbook. You know, a girl has to change up her look ever so often. That's how you keep things interesting in more ways than one! 

My cookbook is sure to delight any of the gals on your gift list. 🎄 These here recipes are straight from recipe cards I gathered up from all my kinfolk to Miss Cheryl's Beauty Shop to the fancy ladies at the Garden Club. Plus, I love to talk, and I added a lot of little stories and commentaries about the recipes throughout the book. 

Here's a look inside:

Here's a sample recipe, including my introduction:


Richie and Tommy Ray love fried frog legs. Richie says to warn you that when you start to fry the frog legs in the hot oil, they may hop out of the pan. I ain’t never fried frog legs, but that’s what he says. Something about the muscles contracting. So, you may need to have a lid handy until they settle down. I can tell you right now I’m not cooking nothing that hops outta the pan.

Here’s how Richie makes his:

A batch of frog legs, skinned, of course

2 eggs, beaten

1 cup flour

Seasoning can include:

Salt and pepper

garlic powder

onion powder

cayenne pepper

ground thyme.

Pour a couple of inches of oil into a skillet or fryer. Heat on med-high until hot.

Mix the flour and the seasoning together.

Dip frog legs in egg mixture. Dredge in flour seasoning batter.

Fry in hot oil until golden brown on both sides. Be sure they have quit hopping. Drain on paper towels.

You can buy my cookbook at most ebook retailers for 99¢ BARGAIN! 

Check out the buy links here: https://books2read.com/DarleneRedneckRecipes

 The print book is available on Amazon for $8.99  https://www.amazon.com/dp/1688547436/

Read more about the background of the cookbook and an entire list of the recipes included: https://patriciapreston.blogspot.com/p/darlene-redneck-recipes.html

I hope you have a fantastic Christmas! 

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

#Christmas in July just got better with MORE THAN A GIFT 🎄 #MFRWHooks #RomCom #RomanceReaders #IARTG


Falling for Santa is not on Holly's to-do list

Back in town to celebrate his favorite season, Blake has firmly closed the door on romance, focusing on his family's thriving construction business. However, his world is turned upside down when he discovers that his brother has hired none other than his dream girl.

Holly has returned to Nashville, determined to steer clear of both office romances and the Christmas spirit after a heart-wrenching breakup last year. However, fate has different plans when she finds herself at the mall and encounters a playful, charming Santa who advises her on how to find the perfect gift and urges her to give the holidays a second chance. Can a mere stranger dressed as Santa really be the one to change her mind about love?🎅


Out of nowhere, a chunk of cubed ice smacked his cheek. He looked over his shoulder, wondering who had the gall to throw ice at Santa.

Surprise brought a gape to his mouth when he saw Holly sitting at a table. She wore a deep purple sweater, a matching ribbon in her thick hair, and her lips were a glossy plum color. He met her gaze. Did she recognize him? His eyes and the bridge of his nose were practically the only part of him that wasn’t hidden by the Santa costume. He even wore a pair of Santa’s wire-rim specs.

She motioned to the left with her head, and he kept staring at her like she was a mirage that would disappear. He adjusted his fake glasses. Had he thought about her so much he was hallucinating? When he didn’t respond, she tapped her hand on the table with her index finger pointing left.

He looked to the left and saw a three-year-old girl staring at him with wide eyes. He waved at her and said, “Ho, ho, ho.”

The child took off running back to her mother.

He turned in his chair, looking at Holly again.

“You need a different approach, Santa,” she called, and he realized she had no idea who he was. “Don’t you have a stuffed toy or something?”

“Not with me,” he answered. “I’m on break.”

“I didn’t know Santa took a break.”

“Sometimes.” He stuck his phone in the side pocket of his red Santa tunic. For all intents and purposes, he was Santa Claus. He wasn’t Blake Andrews, the guy who was damaged goods. For a little while, he could forget the past and enjoy the present.

After all, everybody loved Santa.

Maybe even Holly Ross.

He grinned behind the fake beard. “So, have you been a good girl this year?”


Available at most ebook retailers, also available free on Kobo Plus. Buy links: Books to Read.   Amazon

Check out additional blog posts from the Book Hooks authors this week! Click the picture. 

Thanks so much for stopping by today!!! If you have time, leave a comment and let me if you're enjoying the summer. 

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Okra Jambalaya #Recipe #History #Louisiana 😋

 Jambalaya is a Louisiana Creole dish that dates back to the colonial Spanish-French era. Jambalaya usually consists of meat, vegetables and rich. Today I'm sharing a recipe for okra jambalaya that I found in an old Creole cookbook. I bought some fresh okra today. I intend to have fried okra for dinner. One of my favorite dishes and so simple. Just slice it up, roll in cornmeal and brown in skillet with about an eighth inch of oil. Yummy! 😋


4 dozen okra, trimmed
3 tablespoons butter
1/2 cup finely chopped yellow onion
2 cloves minced garlic
1/2 cup green pepper minced
3 cups chopped tomatoes
1 tsp minced parsley
1 1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp black pepper
1/8 tsp cayenne powder

Melt butter in a Dutch oven. Saute onion, garlic, and green pepper in butter for 6-8 minutes. Then add the rest of the ingredients and cook for about 20 minutes, until the ingredients are tender.

Thanks for stopping by!  Have a great day! 

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Be True to Yourself. Otherwise You're Wasting Precious Time #writinglife

While reading a magazine article recently, I came across this comment by Leo Buscaglia, "The easiest thing to be in the world is you. The most difficult thing to be is what other people want you to be." All I could think about is how very true that is. How much of life is wasted trying to be what others want you to be? I know I wasted a lot of time doing that. 

It took a number of years for me to come full circle, to accept myself the way I am and not feel badly about it. I tend to be a loner. I can honestly say I don't get lonely. I have no idea what that is like. I don't know if it is the writer in me or what, but I love my time alone. It is when I get to write, read and watch my favorite movies. I always worked with the public, so when I came home, I liked a quiet house, a silent phone and my own company. I am totally selfish, more so now than ever before. I have spoiled myself rotten and I'm very happy. Of course, there are many people who would hate my lifestyle, which is fine with me because I would hate theirs.

I believe life is too short and time too precious to squander by not being true to yourself.

I think the same should apply to writing as well. Be yourself when you write. Love your stories and feel confident about them. Remember, the more you try to please other people, especially other writers, the more you will have to struggle. The more faith you put in their opinion, the less your own opinion will mean to you. Without confidence and acceptance of yourself and your work, you'll be burdened to live with self-doubt. I'm going to close with a great quote by Aristotle on how to avoid criticism:

"Criticism is something you can avoid easily--by saying nothing, doing nothing and being nothing."

Today, do something.
