Thursday, June 23, 2016

The Long Hot Summer has Arrived

The Weather Channel has issued a heat advisory this week and when that happens in the South, you know the long, hot summer has arrived. I've had a busy week so far with family visiting from Texas. Today we ventured to Shiloh National Military Park and ate at nearby Hagy's restaurant where we had great catfish and hushpuppies plus a beautiful view of the Tennessee River.

My plans for July include staying in out of the heat and working on Book 3 of the Love on Call series. Each book is a stand-alone book but they feature the same location and characters reappear. As a working title, I'm calling this book "Not Through Loving You." I hate just calling it Book 3. This is Aaron's story. He's a pediatrician who is a colleague and friend to Marla and Brett, protagonists in the first two books. I've written the first chapter, and it was so much fun. Aaron father, Frank, and his youngest brother, Stevie, are so funny. They are going to add a lot of humor to an otherwise serious story about Aaron adopting an unwanted newborn and his battles with the baby's aunt.

I took a computer to Goodwill this afternoon. It was such a good machine until I updated to Windows 10 because I thought it was necessary. I can tell you right now that was a huge mistake and not one I will make again. It ruined the computer, so I yanked out the hard drive and got rid of it. I think Microsoft is such a crappy company. I couldn't believe those stupid commercials where they had a baby saying they were going to grow up with Windows 10. What a joke.

Right now my house is a wreck, and I need to get rid of a bunch of stuff, but that will have to wait. It is too hot to pursue a yard sale. But if you want to stay in the cool and read about a funny yard sale, check out my short story by the same name. It's a hoot!
“Truly classic”~reader review, “The Yard Sale.”  

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