Thursday, December 8, 2016

#Christmas Confessions from author Becky Povich #HumorWriter

Today I have Christmas Confessions from what-a-hoot-she-is, Becky Povich, who says "I am a writer who didn't even know I could write until I was almost 50 years old. That was over 10 years ago. For quite a while after I published my memoir, I didn't feel like writing, and couldn't "make" myself write, either. But at this point in my life I feel as if I'm at that fork in the road, ready to begin a new journey, and see where it takes me...whether it’s writing again, or pursuing my love of photography. (There again lies the Santa issue!)"

Christmas Confessions

1.      I always buy something for myself at Christmas because that’s when I see things I’d love to have!

2.      In my opinion, Christmas fruitcake should be thrown out in the woods for animals to eat.

3.      I better get up Christmas morning and find a really nice camera under the tree or else it’ll just be another disappointing Christmas…*sigh* (I’ve been asking Santa for years!)

4.   The best thing about Christmas is listening to Christmas music and making homemade cookies.

5.      My Christmas dinner is usually a free-for-all and I really don’t have a favorite dish, and I’ll be drinking Diet Coke/Diet Pepsi and/or coffee.

Becky Povich’s memoir From Pigtails to Chin Hairs is a series of finely drawn vignettes that does everything a good memoir should do – makes you laugh, makes you cry, makes you want to sit down and have a cup of coffee with the author.” – Judith Ryan Hendricks, best-selling author of The Bread Alone Series, Isabel’s Daughter, and The Laws of Harmony.

Holiday Sale:

Purchase Links: My memoir can be purchased on Amazon, Barnes & Noble online, or from my website:

I am hoping that Santa will bring Becky a camera this year!!! What do you want Santa to bring you? 


BECKY said...

Patricia, thanks so much for inviting me to take part in your fabulous Christmas Confessions! It was lots of fun!

Patricia Preston said...

Glad to have you here!!! Happy Holidays!

Elephant's Child said...

My Christmas cake would leave the animals sleeping it off for the winter.
And of course buy yourself something. Only you know what you want.
I hope the camera does arrive.
All I want for Christmas is Boxing Day. The fuss is over, I can point hungry people to the fridge to forage, and I probably (hopefully) have a new book.

BECKY said...

Hello dear EC - thanks so much for stopping by and commenting! I wondered for years what Boxing Day meant when I'd see it on my calendars....I assumed it was something about the "sport" of boxing! Then I read about it and thought it was a pretty neat "Holiday!" I hope Santa brings you LOTS of books!

Patricia Preston said...

EC: Great to have you over! Wishing you happy Boxing Day!

River said...

I hope Santa brings you the camera you've been hoping for too. I'd like Santa to bring me a house,(greedy aren't I?) but I know it won't fit in the sleigh, so I'll wish for a peaceful day instead.

BECKY said...

Hey River! Thank you very much for stopping by, AND hoping I get the camera....but the chances of that are about the same as you getting a new house! :D
I'm with you, though, too...I'll take a peaceful day instead! Thanks!

Patricia Preston said...

River: Thanks for joining us! I hope you'll get the house!