Monday, February 13, 2017

Checking the Pantry: Made in USA

Today, I'm sharing some photographs of products that are marked "Made in the USA" or "product of the USA." The label is supposed to mean that the goods or most of the contents used in making the products were produced in the USA.

I hope to make this a weekly post as I think it's important to support the companies who are producing goods in the US but it is time-consuming when you are shopping to check labels. So you can note the products in the pictures to save you time if buying "Made in USA" is something that interests you. 

I've found a lot of major brands of food/health/cleaning products are listed as "Distributed by." This means a company or store brand like Kroger is the "middleman" between the manufacturer of the product and the consumer. The item could be manufactured in the US or in another country. I think it would be a great idea if the manufacturer's country was required on the label. On some labels, the country of origin is listed.  I found a couple of items marked made in Canada. But most of the time only the "middleman" is listed with no country of origin mentioned. 

My list of Made in USA labeled products this week are Palmolive Oxy Dishwashing liquid, 409 spray cleaner, Method foaming hand soap, Wisk, White Rain hair spray, Irish Spring soap, Lindsay Olives and Campbell's Soup which says cooked in USA.

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