Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Blogging about Deep Summer and Fans

Deep summer is all about finding a place in the shade if you're outside, along with a drink of icy water. The combination of heat and humidity will drain you quick in the South, so that's why if you ever write a story set during deep summer, make sure you include the drone of fans or window air conditioners because they are found in all buildings and older homes that don't have central air conditioning. Even in buildings that have central air conditioning such as office buildings, many people have personal fans to stay cool. At some stores, people who are checking out or working behind counters have small fans turned on.

Window fans were used back before the sixties to keep houses cool at night. This was before everyone had air conditioning in the South. And the window fan actually worked to keep the house cold while the occupants slept. A big box fan was situated in a window facing outside. It was usually left there the entire summer. At night when everyone went to bed, they would open their bedroom windows a couple of inches. The fan that was blowing air out the window, pulled the cool night air in through the bedroom windows. This actually worked really well as the house would get really cold and you needed a quilt. Personally, I don't think this would work today because our nights are much hotter now than they were decades ago. Or maybe we are too accustomed to A/C now in this part of the country.

I have always loved fans. I have ceiling fans and floor fans as well. I like the hum of them, plus the breeze they produce. I have an oscillating floor fan in my writing cave that is sending a breeze my way right now.

Wherever you are, I hope you are staying cool!

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