That brings me to my UFO experience or something like that. First off, I wasn't out hunting for UFOs. Especially since it was the middle of a warm, sunny day. I was at Shiloh National Military Park, in the Pittsburg Landing area, which borders the Tennessee River. It's the sight where Grant's troops landed in riverboats during the battle of Shiloh.

The first picture I took of the area in question I zoomed in. I never paid attention the sky and I never heard any kind of sounds like an aircraft or anything while I was there. The next photo with the object was taken about 3 minutes later and 3 seconds later it is gone.
While viewing them, I noticed there was something odd in the sky. I had taken photos back-to-back so I had
another photo of the same location taken 3 seconds later according to the time stamp on the digital file, and the object is gone. I never saw this object or heard it when I was taking the photos.

Let's just say as a long-time X-Files Mulder and Sculley fan, I believe now!
BTW, the X-Files returns on Jan 3. Can't wait!
BTW, the X-Files returns on Jan 3. Can't wait!
Interesting--photos don't (usually) lie.
A Navy pilot recalls his encounter with an unidentified flying object: “I have no idea what I saw,” Commander David Fravor said. “It had no plumes, wings or rotors and outran our F-18s.” But, he added, “I want to fly one.”
That sounds just like my UFO!
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